Monday, September 7, 2009

Twittering Tam Lin: Janet's Turn


“Don’t go to Carterhaugh, lest Tam Lin take your innocent delicacy, or even your cape.” Or something. This is what I keep hearing.


Gone to Carterhaugh, bitches!


Horse at well non-responsive to sugar or apples. Will pick flowers instead.


Flowers are technically MINE. What’s Tam Lin’s problem?


Heated argument with Tam Lin over. Have resolved conflict.


Missed period. Morning sickness. Damn.




Tam Lin > Earthly Knights, IMHO


Why am I always waiting for Tam Lin at this well?




Am expected to believe Queen of Fairies captured TL when he fell off his horse.


Oh, downer. TL says faeries sacrifice someone to hell every seven years, and this year’s his turn.


This had better not be another attempt to hook up.


So all I have to do to save TL from mortal peril is drag him from his horse, and not let go as he turns into some nasty beasts. WTF?


TL not amused when I said he was good as long as he doesn’t turn into a mosquito. I thought it was funny.


Miles Cross is creepy at Halloween.


Off the white horse, and holding on tight!


Faerie Queen not so nice, but TL not sacrificed to icky demons. Yay!


Twittering Tam Lin

tam lin

Captured by fairies. FML.


Faerie land sort of nice, actually. Like Club Med, but better. Could get used to being faerie pet.


Was asked today about tiend. Suspect something is up.


Bad news: Every 7 years, fairies pay tiend to hell.


Worse news: Queen seems tired of me. Also, sacrifices boys she tires of. =/


Confirmed. Tam Lin to be sacrificed to Hell. FML.


Sacrifice will take place during Halloween ride. Sigh. Was looking forward to that.


Helpful sort told me a secret: sacrifice can’t go through if my babymama pulls me off the horse.


Note to self: FIND BABY MAMA.


Have discovered Carterhaugh good for adventurous chicks with gold in hair.


Fiesty girl called Janet accusing me of stealing her land. Kind of hot.


Janet pregnant. Am so excited I can’t piss straight.


Have explained certain doom, and simple method of saving me from certain doom to Janet. Fingers crossed!


White horse, white horse, WHITE HORSE!


Transformations uncomfortable, but Janet is nice and soft.


Lady blathering about trees. W/E. Will do happy dance as soon as legs stop shaking.


Oh, right. Baby.
